Monday, October 10, 2016

What is critical and creative thinking? Why critical and creative thinking skills are important for every student to learn.

What is critical and creative thinking? 

Critical and creative thinking as two types of overlapping logical thought processes that go beyond acquiring information or learning a skill. Creative thinking is difficult to define and even harder to measure. When something is said to be creative, it is said to be novel or original and useful, adaptive, or functional. Even behaviorist have trouble defining creativity. Identification of most behaviors is accomplished by identifying variables that occur when that particular behavior is present. Creative behavior, however, is defined by its unknown set of variables. Creativity is a directed thought process that without logic would be haphazard and meandering. Harold Cohen wrote a computer program, AARON, to produce new, original images. While the logic of the program is present, without the human creativity to program in newly acquired knowledge the images created may be unique but will lack development and the ability to evolve over time.

This image is from Harold Cohen's 2002 article
 "A Self-Defining Game for One Player:
 On the Nature of Creativity and the Possibility of Creative Computer Programs"

Why is critical and creative thinking a necessity for learners? 

In the past students did not need to synthesize information. Memorization and learning a skill was all that was needed from the work force. According to the National Education Association, learners today need to be able problem-solve and have adaptability to meet new challenges with ever changing technology. These are the challenges facing the 21st Century Learner. Problem-solving, creative-innovators are needed to compete in the world economy.

Articles consulted:

Cohen, H. (2002). A self-defining game for one player: On the nature of creativity and the possibility of creative computer programs. Leonardo, 35 (1), 59-64. Retrieved from

Epstein, R. (1980). Defining creativity. The Behavior Analyst, 3 (65). 65. Retrieved from  

National Education Association. (ND). Preparing 21st Century students for a global society:  An educator’s guide to the “four Cs”. Retrieved from

Paul, R. (1993). The logic of creative and critical thinking. The American Behavioral Scientist (1986-1994), 37, 1. Retrieved from 

Simonton, D. (2012). Quantifying creativity: can measures span the spectrum? Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 14(1), 100–104.